Monday, February 8, 2016

Deserving that Which He has Prepared for Us

Hey family and friends! I love you! I feel like I always start these emails out the same way, but I really do love you all and am thankful for you and hope and pray that you are doing well! Things are going great for me and Soeur Raherimandimby! In all honesty, I think that last week was the fastest week of my life! Time is a weird thing. Sometimes as missionaries, we find ourselves out on the street in the afternoon with what seems like hours of work ahead of us. Through these moments on my mission, I learned how to take advantage of every hour. Sharing the gospel is something that should be fun and bring us joy. Like everything, it is a choice. We have to accept these blessings by our attitude. Anyway, over these last couple of weeks and especially this last week, there were no moments like that. Time flew by. I love my mission and know that I am going to miss this in the "after missionary life." It is truly the most amazing thing watching peoples' lives change. Even showing up to a lesson and seeing that the investigators read in the Book of Mormon or that they prayed or seeing people walk through the chapel doors at church on Sunday for the first time in their lives. This church is true and it changes people for the better! 
This week my companion shared a scripture with me that I loved. It is Doctrine and Covenants 136:29,31. If we are sad we need to consult with the Lord and our soul will be filled with joy! In verse 31 we learn that Christs people have to be tried to prepare themselves for the glory that God has prepared for them. Those who do not support his correction will not be worthy of his kingdom. I feel like as members of the church, we know real trials in life. We have these hard times because we are able to overcome them with God and his grace. He is making us into something better, into the thing that he needs us to be to continue building his kingdom here on earth and to bring him and us joy. During the good and hard times we need to put our trust in him! So, this week when you might seem to be having one of those "hard missionary days" where you are in the heat of the sun and your lesson got canceled . . . or you just might feel a little bit lost or sad, remember to love every moment and know that God is there and he knows you! He loves those who he corrects! Keep enduring and soon you will find that you find joy in the little things and you no longer notice the things that were once so hard. Life is good! The gospel is amazing! Try to find the joy that an investigator or new convert does when applying the most simple principles! Thanks again for everything! Love and miss you all! 
Love, Soeur Kofford
Best friends!
Love these girls! I had to stop and share a little message with them before continuing down the street!
This is the Putoa family! If the oldest daughter and son receive their VISA's in time, they might be on the same plane back to America with me for their missions in New York and Louisiana!
Playing marbles with the children! Jaime les enfants!

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